2 Days Lake Naivasha Kenya,Hell’s Gate

2 Days

Lake Naivasha in Kenya is a freshwater lake. It lies 100 Kilometers north west of Nairobi. It is home to many wildlife including over 400 species of bird and a sizeable population of hippos.

Hell’s Gate National Park is a remarkable quarter of the Great Rift Valley. Spectacular scenery including the towering cliffs, water-gouged gorges, stark rock towers. Scrub clad volcanoes and belching plumes of geothermal steam make it one of the most atmospheric Parks in Africa.

Lake Naivasha is is part of the Great Rift Valley system in Kenya. The lake’s scenic beauty and diverse ecosystem make it renowned. Here’s a closer look at what makes Lake Naivasha a notable destination:

Key Features and Attractions of lake Naivasha Kenya

  1. Scenic Beauty: Lake Naivasha is known for its picturesque landscapes, surrounded by lush vegetation and acacia trees. The lake’s calm waters and the backdrop of rolling hills create a tranquil setting.
  2. Wildlife: The lake is home to a variety of wildlife. Notably, it supports a large population of hippos, which can often be seen lounging in the water. The surrounding areas are also rich in birdlife, including species such as the fish eagle, pelicans, and various herons.
  3. Boat Safaris: Boat tours on the lake offer a great way to view wildlife. Particularly the hippos and numerous bird species. We also offer guided tours that include fishing and sightseeing.
  4. Nearby Attractions:
    • Crescent Island: A private sanctuary and one of the best places for walking safaris. It’s known for its population of giraffes, zebras, and other wildlife.
    • Hell’s Gate National Park: Located nearby, this park is famous for its dramatic landscapes, including deep gorges and towering cliffs. It offers hiking, biking, and rock climbing opportunities.
    • Mount Longonot: An extinct volcano with a crater that can be hiked. Providing spectacular views of the Rift Valley and Lake Naivasha.
  5. Flora: The lake’s shores and surrounding areas are rich in vegetation, including papyrus reeds and various aquatic plants. This vegetation provides essential habitat for both wildlife and numerous bird species.
  6. Activities: Apart from boat safaris, visitors can enjoy fishing, nature walks, and picnicking. The area is also famous for its flower farms and the cultivation of various crops, thanks to its fertile soil and favorable climate.

Tips for Visiting

  • Accommodation: There are various lodging options around Lake Naivasha, ranging from luxury lodges to budget-friendly campsites.
  • Weather: The climate around the lake is generally temperate. But it can be rainy, especially from March to May and October to December. It’s advisable to check the weather forecast before your visit.
  • Health: Be aware of the potential for malaria in the area. Take appropriate precautions such as using insect repellent and considering anti-malarial medication.

Lake Naivasha is a popular destination for both local and international tourists. It offers a mix of natural beauty, wildlife experiences, and outdoor activities.


Early morning departure from Nairobi to Hell's gate passing through the wall of the Great Rift Valley. Stop over at Great Rift valley view point to enjoy the magnificent views of the Great Rift Valley and photography . After 20 minutes proceed with your journey with another stop at the smallest church in Kenya, Mai Mahiu Catholic Church also called Traveler's chapel. It was built in 1942 by the Italian prisoners of war. Proceed with your journey to Hell's gate national park.

Once at the Park, you have the option of a game drive in a Safari vehicle or take bikes into the Park. Cycling in the Park is a great adventure as you get to ride the bikes for 7 Kilometers before resting at a ranger's post. After a brief stop at the rangers post you leave the bike and start a walking safari (optional) for 3 hrs. Enjoy the spectacular views of the gorge. The park provides a variety of wildlife, unusual flora and many species of birds and is the only Kenyan Park where climbing, walking and biking are allowed. Animals seen here include Bushbucks, Dikdiks, Gazelles, Gnus, Hartebeests, Impalas, Klipspringers, Buffaloes, Hyraxes, Zebras, Hyenas, Jackals, Mongooses, Baboons, Monkeys and Porcupines amongst others. Afterwards proceed to Olkaria geothermal spa for Lunch then spend the afternoon swimming in the biggest natural spa in East Africa. At 1500hrs have a game drive in the park and later check out from the park to your lodge/camp.
Dinner and overnight stay at Sawela lodge on half board

After breakfast proceed to to nearby Crescent Island Game Sanctuary – a beautiful private reserve that is filled with herds of wildebeest, waterbuck, zebra, gazelle and more. Depart from the sanctuary to the shores of Lake Naivasha for your lunch (Ugali and fresh fish from the lake).
After lunch have boat rides. Depart for Nairobi to arrive in the evening.

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2 Days Lake Naivasha Kenya,Hell’s Gate

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