3 Days Samburu National Reserve

3 Days

Samburu National Reserve is a stunning wildlife destination located in northern Kenya along the banks of the Ewaso Ng’iro river. Known for its unique landscapes, diverse wildlife, and cultural experiences, it offers a distinctive safari experience compared to other parks in Kenya. It is home to the Big five as well as the Samburu five. The reserve consists mainly of open savannah, rock outcrops, doum palms, acacia, and thorn trees. The park is 165 km² in size and is situated 350 kilometers from Nairobi. Here’s a comprehensive overview of Samburu National Reserve:

1. Overview

  • Location: Northern Kenya, near the town of Isiolo, and about 350 kilometers (220 miles) from Nairobi.
  • Size: Approximately 165 square kilometers (64 square miles).
  • Climate: Semi-arid with hot temperatures, especially from October to March. The rainy seasons are from April to June and from October to December.

2. Unique Wildlife

  • Special Species: Samburu is known for the “Samburu Special Five,” which includes:
    • Grevy’s Zebra: Distinguished by its narrow stripes and larger size compared to other zebra species.
    • Reticulated Giraffe: Recognizable by its unique, net-like pattern of white lines.
    • Beisa Oryx: A striking antelope with long, straight horns.
    • Gerenuk: A long-necked antelope that stands on its hind legs to browse for food.
    • Somali Ostrich: A unique ostrich species with a distinct blue neck.
  • Other Wildlife: Includes elephants, lions, leopards, cheetahs, buffalo, giraffes, and various antelope species. The reserve is also a great place for birdwatching with numerous species present.

3. Scenic Highlights

  • Landscape: The reserve features a mix of arid plains, rocky outcrops, and the Ewaso Ng’iro River, which provides crucial water sources for wildlife.
  • Rivers and Waterholes: The Ewaso Ng’iro River is a key attraction, drawing wildlife, especially during the dry season.

4. Activities

  • Game Drives: Explore the reserve’s varied landscapes and observe wildlife in their natural habitats. Early morning and late afternoon drives are ideal for wildlife sightings.
  • Guided Walks: Take guided nature walks to learn about the flora, smaller wildlife, and local ecosystems.
  • Cultural Visits: Engage with the local Samburu people to learn about their culture, traditions, and way of life.

5. Accommodation

  • Luxury Lodges: Options include Saruni Samburu and Samburu Intrepids, which offer high-end amenities and excellent views of the reserve.
  • Mid-Range Lodges: Places like Samburu Sopa Lodge and Larsen’s Camp provide comfortable accommodations with a range of facilities.
  • Budget Options: Basic campsites and lodges are available for more affordable stays.

6. Conservation and Management

  • Conservation Efforts: Samburu National Reserve is managed by the local community and conservation organizations, focusing on sustainable tourism and wildlife protection.
  • Community Involvement: The Samburu people are actively involved in conservation efforts and benefit from tourism through community projects and cultural exchanges.

7. Travel Tips

  • Access: Samburu is accessible by road from Nairobi (approximately 6-7 hours) or by scheduled flights to the reserve’s airstrip.
  • Best Time to Visit: The dry season (June to October) is ideal for wildlife viewing as animals are concentrated around water sources.
  • What to Bring: Light, breathable clothing for daytime, warmer layers for cool evenings, sunscreen, a hat, binoculars, and a camera.

8. Health and Safety

  • Health Precautions: Ensure you have malaria prophylaxis and check for any other required vaccinations before traveling.
  • Park Regulations: Follow park rules and guidelines to ensure both your safety and the preservation of wildlife.

Samburu National Reserve offers a unique safari experience with its distinctive wildlife, scenic landscapes, and cultural interactions. It’s an excellent destination for those looking to explore Kenya’s northern wilderness and engage with local communities.


Samburu National Reserve is 350 km from Nairobi located on the banks of Ewaso Ng’iro river.The reserve is rich in wildlife with an abundance of rare northern specialist species such as the Grevy’s zebra, Somali ostrich, reticulated giraffe, gerenuk and the beisa oryx (also referred to as Samburu Special Five). The reserve is also home to elephants and large predators such as the lion, leopard and cheetah. ‘Kamunyak’, the miracle lioness that adopted the baby oryx was as a resident in the reserve.Wild dog sightings are also a common attraction to this unique protected area

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3 Days Samburu National Reserve

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