Day Trips in Kenya

Nairobi is the capital city Kenya, and the starting point for many an unforgettable road trip. It’s also an ideal base for an exciting day trips in Kenya from Nairobi

A day trips from Nairobi can take you on top of a volcano, at the bottom of the longest rift on earth, on a Big 5 safari or sailing across a lake full of hippos. Nairobi is a cool city but what makes it magical is its proximity to nature.  

An excursion from Nairobi can take you to north-west to the Great Rift Valley. The Rift is filled with dormant volcanoes, soda and freshwater lakes and an abundance of wildlife. To the east is Athi and the wildlife corridors that allow all of safaris best to pass between Nairobi National Park . Head south towards Tanzania, as the altitude falls from 2000 metres to below sea level, the temperatures rise and you hit the arid lands and soda lakes of Magadi. 

The best day trips from Nairobi will take you no longer than a couple of hours with guarantee that you will feel a million miles away from the bright city lights of Nairobi.

There are many places to go for road trips in Kenya starting from Nairobi. Tourists can visit many tourism attractions in Kenya in a road trip. . One day trips have increased in Kenya . This is because most of the working class, want to escape from Nairobi to exciting places during the weekends. We also offer other Kenya safari day trips from other places not necessarily Nairobi.

Here are some of our tour packages. Follow us in Facebook to see more of our tour activities.